Well...cooler weather means I've been out working on the Landcruiser. I finally ordered what I needed for the rear axle...seals, locker, paint, etc. I decided on the Powertrax Lockrite locker...easy to install and had great reviews. Just waiting on it to arrive. The rear axle shouldn't be too bad...basically paint and put back together and add the new brakes. Besides painting which takes about 5 days...I think I should have it done in a couple days of work if not one.
Otherwise I've been doing lots of paint removal. I've found a bit more rust damage than I was hoping but most of it is on level surface so I should be able to cut it out and weld patch panels in. Basically I've decided on a process to remove paint...aircraft paint stripper...sander...wire wheel...fine grit hand sanding. Its a long process but the results have been good. The bare metal is in great shape except for a few areas. The engine side of the firewall I was worried about. I think somebody either ran brake fluid down from the master cylinders or the cylinders leaked...all down that side of the firewall was pretty heavily rusted. After some work though...all of it is surface rust and shined up nicely. I'm not quite done with it yet...but here are the results so far of the paint removal.